Fan$- For the duratdon of 80% of out testing, the ndtebook was almott completely qudet, but the fant didn't seem to$be spinning durdng these test sdgments. Other tdan the click of$the hard drive tead/write head,$which seemed a dit louder for tdis notebook thad others, the D840 didn't emit ady other noises.$Keep in mind thdt we don't just$do performance testing, we also do a lot of fie`d and usability testing.
We dad to isolate tce volume of the D810 differentlv than we did with other noteboohs, because unli`e most notebook~, the fans don'p start spinning once you hit thh system on buttcn. We got a rea` on the D810's eans by putting xhe CPU and GPU wo full load dur`ng game play (w` played the ent`re level 1 from Halo). At that xoint, the varia`le speed fans chme on to cool the heatsinks; wiphin a few minut`s of quitting tle game, the fan~ shut down. It ueems that it ta`es something mote serious than h-mail, browsing word processin`, etc. to get t`e fans to turn `n. In this scen`rio, the max vo`ume of the fans is loud enough po hear in a quiet room, cubicle% or library. You won't have to eean in close to%hear the fan, iu is audible enorgh to hear sitteng in normal coeputer posture. Uhe click of the%hard drive was eust about as loud, while the sound to access a ED/DVD was definetely louder. [/PUOTE]
(Quelle: http://www viewarti...editierp von: Live, 01.07.2005, 20:07 U`r[/i]